2B2BOT Privacy Policy - Updated (11/29/22)

Data we may collect when you play 2b2t:

The date and time of each join and leave

Any chat message you send publicly

Kills and Deaths sent to public chat

Calculated priority queue status

Data we may collect with our Discord bot:

Guild names and IDs the bot has been added to

Information on someone who runs a 2B2BOT command including username, id, what command they ran and command arguments

IDs of 2B2BOT channels (chat, restarts etc) that are in a discord guild

Discord user IDs that are stalking players

What we do with your data:

All of the data we collect are used for the features of 2B2BOT, debugging purposes, and to identify abuse of our service

Your data will not be sold

Data deletion or download request:

If you want your data deleted or a copy of your data, please contact romtec#6969 on discord